CCDC Series Module 2: Contractor/Subcontractor Guide to Construction Subcontracts

CCDC Series Module 2: A Guide to Construction Subcontracts

Date(s): May 20, 2025
Time: 9:00 a.m.– 1:00 p.m.
Duration: One four-hour session
Format: (Virtual) Instructor-led Live Course

Member Price: $400.00 + HST(WIPSI discount $200.00 + HST for eligible members)
Non-Member Price: $520.00 + HST


This session is a primer on how to read and understand construction subcontracts. It examines some key applicable contract law principles and fundamental construction subcontracting essentials as well as typical provisions found in construction subcontracts using CCA 1 2021, the nationally recognized Standard Stipulated Price Subcontract form, as one example.

Learning Outcomes:

§  Basic Contract and Subcontract Law Principles

§  Privity of contract

§  Express vs Implied Terms

§  Importance of certainty of a contract

§  The duty of honesty in contractual dealings

§  Statutory Declarations - Legal Significance

§  Important Subcontract Basics:

§  Why are written subcontracts required?” Incorporation by reference - does it work? 

§  "Flow-down" provisions

§  Precedent clauses

§  Scope of work provision

§  Overview of CCA 1 2021

§  Impact of "prompt" payment legislation 


Who should attend: Owners, procurement authority representatives, consultants, general and sub-contractors.


Facilitator: Michael Atkinson, LLB – Past CCA President

Qty Item Price Description
Cancellation Policy

-Cancellations must be received no later than 10 business days prior to the course date to be eligible for a 75% refund of registration fees.
-No refunds will be issued after this date.
-If you register for the course and do not attend, you are liable for the full registration fee unless you cancel according to the terms stated above.
-If you are unable to attend after registering you may send a substitute up to and including the day of the course. Please provide a name and email address for name tag and records.
-CANS reserves the right to cancel any course and will, in such an event, provide a full refund of registrations fees. Every effort will be made to give registrants a reasonable notice of cancellation.
-No liability is assumed by the organization for changes in course dates, content, speakers, or venue.