CCDC Series Module 1: A Guide to Construction Contracts
Date(s): May 13, 2025
Time: 9:00 a.m.– 1:00 p.m.
Duration: One four-hour session
Format: (Virtual) Instructor-led Live Course
Member Price: $400.00 + HST(WIPSI discount $200.00 + HST for eligible members)
Non-Member Price: $520.00 + HST
This course is a primer on “how- to-read-and-understand-construction-contracts”. It examines some key applicable contract law principles and fundamental construction contracting essentials as well as typical provisions found in construction contracts. It uses CCDC 2 2020 as well as government and public sector contracts.
§ Basic contract law principles
§ Key fundamental construction contracting principles
§ Contract ‘A’ v Contract ‘B.’
§ Flow-down provisions.
§ Mandatory notice provisions
§ Precedent clauses
§ Warranty v. waiver
§ Statutory Declarations - Legal Significance
§ Impact of lien legislation
§ Impact of payment & adjudication legislation
§ Key provisions in construction contracts
§ Defining the scope – the Work to be performed
§ Notice provisions.
§ The Definitions
§ Roles of third parties
§ Subcontracting
§ Changes in the Work
§ Site and underground/concealed physical conditions.
§ Delay provisions.
§ Dispute resolution.
§ Benefits of using CCDC standard contract forms
§ Basic structure and approach of CCDC standard contract forms
Who should attend: Owners, procurement authority representatives, consultants, general and sub-contractors.
Facilitator: Michael Atkinson, LLB – Past CCA President
Cancellation Policy
-Cancellations must be received no later than 10 business days prior to the course date to be eligible for a 75% refund of registration fees.
-No refunds will be issued after this date.
-If you register for the course and do not attend, you are liable for the full registration fee unless you cancel according to the terms stated above.
-If you are unable to attend after registering you may send a substitute up to and including the day of the course. Please provide a name and email address for name tag and records.
-CANS reserves the right to cancel any course and will, in such an event, provide a full refund of registrations fees. Every effort will be made to give registrants a reasonable notice of cancellation.
-No liability is assumed by the organization for changes in course dates, content, speakers, or venue.