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You Searched: Connect Atlantic Utility Services - Results: 1
Connect Atlantic Utility Services Corporation
205 Bluewater Road, Suite 201
Bedford, Nova Scotia
B4B 1H1
Company Description:
CAUS specializes in live-line electrical transmission and distribution maintenance and construction and storm restoration. CAUS has transmission energized capabilities up to 345kV and has a direct contact rubber glove code of practice capable of handling distribution voltages up to 25kV. We also have extensive experience in: Substations and underground projects. Renewable energy projects. Technical Services including project management, project controls, planning and scheduling, claims avoidance and site inspections.

Connect Atlantic Utility Services Corporation performs the following types of services:

Aerial/Construction Photography,Construction & Project Managers,Crane & Tractor Trailer Rental,Electrical,Electrical Contracting,General Contracting,Hoisting Equipment,Miscellaneous Construction Services,Overhead Crane Supply,Utility