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You Searched: BMR Structural Engineering - Results: 1
BMR Structural Engineering Limited
CANS-NSCC 150th Scholarship Contributor

Halifax, NS
B3J 1G2
Company Description:
The original firm of George Brandys and Associates was founded in Halifax, Nova Scotia in 1963 by George Brandys. In 2001, as a result of strategic marketing research, we assumed the name BMR Structural Engineering. This name better represents who we are and what we do while reflecting our history and embracing our future. BMR has played a leading role in consulting structural engineering work in Halifax, NS, as well as throughout Atlantic Canada, and our reputation for delivering performance and satisfaction continues to grow. With over four decades of experience in structural engineering, words like innovative, responsive and quality are much more than corporate aspirations and ideals. We lend our expertise to a broad spectrum of structures, including buildings, bridges, wharves, sewage treatment plants and retaining walls. We also provide services for reinforcing and modifying existing structures. BMR carries out feasibility studies, cost estimates and contract administration.

BMR Structural Engineering Limited performs the following types of services:

Concrete Restoration,Consulting Engineer,Steel Studding,Structural Steel